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What can I eat or drink after root canal treatment?

Thanks to advances in dentistry, most patients experience little to no pain/tenderness after the procedure.  However, if you are preparing to visit the dentist for root canal treatment, you might want to stock up your fridge and pantry with plenty of soft food and snacks.

As you are recovering from a lengthy procedure, there are several foods that are recommended to speed up the recovery and avoid possible complications, e.g. losing/cracking temporary filling or even the tooth. Furthermore, until a permanent filling or crown is placed, the tooth is relatively weak compared to your natural tooth, so it is recommended you stick to soft foods, and avoid crunchy and hard foods to reduce stress on the tooth.

What can you eat or drink after root canal treatment?

Most importantly, make sure the numbness wears off before you eat or drink as you could bite inside of your mouth or burn from extreme heat, e.g. tea, coffee, soup, etc.

Here are some food suggestions:

  • Soft fruits e.g. bananas, mangoes, peaches – fruit smoothies are a great way to get plenty of nutrients and vitamins!
  • Diary food – yoghurt, milk, milkshakes, ice creams (without nuts or anything crunchy)
  • Vegetables – cooked vegetables or mashed potatoes/cauliflowers, served at lukewarm temperature.  Vegetable soups – make sure they are lukewarm and skip the side of crunchy bread!
  • Pasta and noodles
  • Eggs
  • Fish – either boiled or grilled rather than baked
  • Oatmeal
  • Cream of wheat
  • Tofu
  • Rice pudding

It is also important to ensure you stay hydrated with plenty of water!

What foods and drinks should you avoid after root canal treatment?

  • Crunchy foods – apples, carrots, celery, etc.
  • Hard foods – nuts, ice cubes
  • Chewy foods – chewing gum, lollies, toffees!
  • Alcohol slows down recovery and may interact with medications
  • Soft drinks

COVID-19 Information