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COVID-19 Information


Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

Why do people suffer from gum disease

You may have heard the term “gum disease” from your dentist, and are wondering what exactly does it mean and how should you manage it. In essence, gum disease is known ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

What is the difference between porcelain and composite veneers?

Veneers are thin casings or shells placed on the outer surface of your teeth with minimal preparation involved. The purpose of veneers is mainly to enhance aesthetics. They ... [Read More]
Dr Manisha Bhatt
Dr Manisha Bhatt

Dr Manisha Bhatt

General Dentist

BOH (Griff), MDent (Griff)

What is the difference between a custom-fitted sports...

Regular sports mouthguard What is it? Mouthguards that are readily available over-the-counter from pharmacies and sports stores. These are made of plastic and come ... [Read More]
Dr Amreen Hussain
Dr Amreen Hussain

Dr Amreen Hussain

General Dentist

BiomedSc(Hons), DDS

Everything you may need to know about Mouth Cancer

What is mouth cancer and what causes it? Mouth cancer (also known as oral cancer) is the cancer that affects any part of the mouth. The most commonly affected sites ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

Dental health in the COVID-19 world

COVID-19 has had unfortunate consequences on the global economy as well as extensive disruptions to daily life. In fact, a common factor amongst patients ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

Neglecting your Oral Health during COVID

Despite the challenging and difficult times we find ourselves in during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to ensure that our oral health isn't neglected. Your dentist ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

Core Dental is open! Why it is safe and essential to...

The COVID-19 pandemic has seen daily life grind to a halt for many and as we continue to fight the spread of this disease, we must be vigilant and careful about how ... [Read More]
Dr Marina Ghobrial
Dr Marina Ghobrial

Dr Marina Ghobrial

General Dentist

BHSc (Dent), MDent

Root Canal Treatment or Implants – which is better for me?

Occasionally, teeth may become inflamed, infected and painful; this can be due to either infection (due to decay or gum disease) or dental trauma (e.g. a sports injury). ... [Read More]
Dr Shakiba Askary
Dr Shakiba Askary

Dr Shakiba Askary

General Dentist

BHS (La Trobe), MDent (La Trobe)

What to do if a temporary dental filling falls out?

A temporary filling, as the name suggests, is a type of dental filling that is intended to be used temporarily or short term.  Overall, a temporary filling may be placed ... [Read More]
Dr Han Kim
Dr Han Kim

Dr Han Kim

General Dentist

BDS (Otago)

What can I eat or drink after root canal treatment?

Thanks to advances in dentistry, most patients experience little to no pain/tenderness after the procedure.  However, if you are preparing to visit the dentist for root ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

How does diabetes affect your oral health?

Diabetes, if uncontrolled, can worsen your oral health in many ways. A sustained increase in blood-glucose levels increases the risk of gum disease (periodontal disease), ... [Read More]
Core Dental
Core Dental

Core Dental

What are dental splints and why would my dentist recommend...

Dental splints, also known as ‘’nightguards’’ or ‘’occlusal bite splints’’, refer to appliances that cover the biting (“occlusal”) surfaces of teeth of ... [Read More]
COVID-19 Information